Sisters by Raina Telgemeier | Teen Ink

Sisters by Raina Telgemeier

October 19, 2015
By andonova BRONZE, Wilmette, Illinois
andonova BRONZE, Wilmette, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sisters by Raina Telgemeier is an exhilarating comic book that purely verifies and validates the relationship between sisters.  The memoir details a family's road trip and illuminates the strong bond and loving friendship between sisters with a meaningful age gap.  Through her story, Telgemeier illuminates an important message to readers: there are always bumps in the metaphorical road, but at the end of the day, family makes it worth the ride.

Amara and Raina’s family goes on a long difficult road trip to see their relatives in Colorado for family reunion. Meanwhile, the two sisters negotiate difficult family and personal dilemmas. Telegemeier’s use of humour advances the story as the sisters face unexpected challenges—from snakes to discovering news about their parents’ separation. In the end, they realize they should just have a good time and make the best of the trip back home. Raina and Amara ultimately recognize the importance of getting along despite what unexpected bumps come in the way.

The illustrations were filled with vim and vigor and gave the reader the ability to use art as context, giving necessary background knowledge to understand what’s going on. Telgemeier writes quite simply, yet meaningfully, to relay an exceptionally heart-warming message to sisters. We found the story to be very humorous and enjoyable, a quick delightful read for all ages.

The author's comments:

This piece is co-written by myself and my 12 year old sibling, Simone Andonova. I gave her the book as a present for her birthday knowing that she and I would have our own road trip on my way back from college. We both read Sisters, and this was a very meaningful experience that prepared us for our own roadtrip from Boston to Chicago this past summer.


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