An Amazing Book:) | Teen Ink

An Amazing Book:)

September 9, 2015
By zmk22 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
zmk22 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If it's meant to be, it will be"

The book was amazing! After reading the first few chapters, I was drawn in. I would definitely recommend this book to other people my age! It's very interesting and I became very attached to the characters as I kept reading. I feel that other people will also really connect with the characters while reading this book.

Description and Summary of Content:
The book is about a boy named Colin Singleton. The book starts out after Colin has just graduated from high school. Colin has dated 19 girls and they were all named Katherine. They all dumped him. However, once Katherine XIX dumps him, Colin is devastated. To make Colin feel better, he and his best friend Hassan go on a road trip and up meeting a girl named Lindsey. They meet her in a place called Gutshot, in Tennessee. Lindsey, Hassan, and Colin go on many adventures and Colin even sparks a connection between him and Lindsey.  Will Colin ever get over his last girlfriend? Or will Colin forever be alone because of a girl named Katherine?

It was a very good book. I would give it 5 stars. I loved the plot and the characters. This book was very fun and interesting. I love John Green's writing style and I think this book really appealed to the teenage mind. I also think that many young readers will be able to relate to the characters in this book. I thought the book was AWESOME!

This was a great book, I absolutely loved it. I would definitely recommend this book to others because it's AMAZING. I know a few people who have read this book as well and they have all liked it. I have loved every book that I've read by John Green, he is a very good author. I especially loved this book.

The author's comments:

I love reading and John Green is one of my favorite authors.

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