Wonder | Teen Ink


September 9, 2015
By caileek BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
caileek BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make the things count in life.

By R.J. Palacio    

     Have you ever had to face a life problem? August Pullman a 10 year old medical wonder, he considers himself as not an ordinary boy but surely does do ordinary things like any other ordinary 10 year old boy. He eats ice cream, rides a bike, plays ball, and he even has an x-box. Like an ordinary 10 year old boy would do is go to the park but no ordinary boy would run away screaming in fear on the sight of what was just seen.
    August is defiantly a medical wonder! He has been homeschooled his whole life. But his parents made the courageous decision to enroll him at Beecher Middle Prep. Think about it, August a boy who has gone through at least twenty seven surgeries to correct his facial anomalies. He thought it was a good idea to go to a public school but he definitely didn't want to be the kid everyone looks at in the weirdest ways possible while walking in the halls or even just sitting in class. But then again who would want to be the kid everyone stares at? I know surely not me! He then gets enrolled into Beecher Middle Prep and meets so many types of new people! Some mean, some grouchy, some very nice, a little bit of two faced people, all sort of new people!
     I felt that the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio has so many mixed emotions. Have you ever wanted to put yourself in someone else's shoes or even hear about someone else's life who has it worse then you? I know I have always wanted to. This book is a great lesson on a 10 year old boy who has gone through too many surgeries. A boy who is just now getting enrolled at a middle school and is terrified on how people will treat him. Every page you turn there is something new and exciting to read.
     I do recommend this book. It's an amazing children's book.

The author's comments:

I really did like this book.

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