A Child Called It | Teen Ink

A Child Called It

September 9, 2015
By 22abc BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
22abc BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Keep on keepin on

Please don't beat me anymore.


This is a true story about a young boy getting brutally bet by his mother in the city of california called daly city. he gets bet starved and lots more and is afraid to say anything because he thinks she will beat him more.

The life of the young boy wasn't always pain and starvation. once his life was really nice. He lived a great life actually but his mother became a really aggressive alcoholic and started beating David and basically torturing him everyday .

This great story is told by the boy David I think this helps give you a visual of how he is feeling. How it felt getting best like that. What it felt like going to school with bruises. Felling left out. Avoided. Worst of all starving. This was based on a true story. It breaks my heart knowing that some one got beat like that it makes me feel horrible that he was so helpless. His mother didn't care it is so sad . This all happened in the nineteen seventies . It is an autobiography . That is also great cause it is being to from the person who went through the pain and suffering. In my opinion this is one of the best books ever to be written . I didn't want to stop reading it . It will break ur heart.

This is a great book in my opinion. It is a must for all teenagers and even some adults it tells how life may be hard but some people have it a lot worse than you. It shows how you can get through a hard struggle you just can't give up and keep on keepin on. David believed in himself he didn't give up he pushed on and on he made it through the beatings and the starvation. Like I have said before it is a must it is a really great book.

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