A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

September 10, 2015
By Bananabuggys BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Bananabuggys BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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A Child Called It
Dave Pelzer
A True Eye Opener
I give this book 5 stars.

In the novel, A Child Called It, is a true story in 1973 about a young eleven year old little boy who is brutally beaten by his mother and neglected by his father. He has three brothers that are treated like gold compared to the boy named David.
This "family" lives in Daly City, California. The abusive mother, Roerva, beats and starves David him for days and weeks straight. Roerva is also an alcoholic. David's father ,Stephen, tries to help at first by helping with the dishes and sneaking food every once in a while, but after a little time passed, Stephen realized that there was no hope.
David tries to steal food at his school, garbage cans, his neighbors and more. David has to go through heart breaking punishments. Most of the time, it's because he didn't finish his tremendous amount of chores in unthinkable time. One of the punishments are locking David in a bathroom with very harmful chemicals. Another punishment that Roerva gives David is a spoonful of Clorox. David is isolated from the family and is forced to sleep in a dark garage on an army cot. David has to wear the same clothes everyday. His mother doesn't wash his clothes because she wants to embarrass David. By doing this, it makes the other kids not want to talk to him and that's what Roevra wants. She does t want David to have any friends at all. Anything to make his life miserable, is what she did.
I absolutely love this book because it shows that there are people out there that have such a horrible life. This book makes you appreciate your life so much more. After reading this book, you will look at life differently. This book is a fantastic eye opener to the world and everybody around you. So maybe next time you look at somebody, take in consideration what problems they might go through.
I recommend everyone to read this book. You may cry, but you will never want to put the book down. The empathy you will feel is overwhelming. I could read this book a thousand times and still cry again.


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