The diary of Anne frank by Anne frank | Teen Ink

The diary of Anne frank by Anne frank

September 9, 2015
By GCURR30 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
GCURR30 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anne frank is a little girl in a very big world. With no where to go but to hide. There were bad people in this world called the nazis they tried to kill all of the jews and poor little Anne was a jew.

That meant she had to go into hiding so they wouldn't find her she hid with her family an a different family. She would write in a diary and tell it about what was going on and stuff about her family. She didn't like her mom that much she would always write bad about her.  I think it is also very educational cause it talks about the war and what they had to do to

I think that in this story the author did an amazing job writing this book. I didn't think this book would be so good and interesting. I think that if you have not read this book that you should try to read it and see how you like it. There are multiple versions of the book. I would get the one that is written by Anne frank. 

In conclusion overall the book was good. If you have not read this book you need to it is one of the most inspirering books I have ever read how she got through that all by herself. It is just like it makes you want to go do something with your life. And not to just sit around and do nothing. I would love if you would go get this book and experience it for your self and enjoy it like I did. I am not promoting the book I am just expressing my feelings for the book cause of how good it was. Overall though I enjoyed every word of the book and you should go read it.


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