The Help by Kathryn Stocket | Teen Ink

The Help by Kathryn Stocket

September 9, 2015
By cakorwan BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
cakorwan BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Help is a must-read for everyone that loves a classic and inspiring book. It perfectly describes the life of people,especially the help in the 1960's, told from different points of view. This book will make you realize how lucky you really are.
Skeeter has just finished college and wants to be a writer. Of course, no one believes in her. While writing a column for the local newspaper, she comes up with the idea to write a book with (and about) Minny and Aibileen, two maids in Jackson, Mississippi. It would be about their lives as maids and their stories. Skeeter knows the dangerous consequences of writing this book, but still does it. While writing the book, Skeeter's "best friend," Hilly, is trying to get in her business, as she always does to everyone, and destroy her. Skeeter also has to cope with her sick and judge mental mother, which is stressful and hard for her.
This book was about overcoming fears, pushing past limits and just going for it. The ultimate theme of this book was don't judge a book by its cover, that people aren't always what they seem. At times, you had to use clues and foreshadowing to figure out what happened, this did get boring at times, but I did like how it didn't just come out and say exactly what happened. It ends with half of it on a good note, for some characters it was good but it's also not good for other characters, which leaves you wondering what happens.
The Help had parts that were large surprises that I was not expecting at all, and parts where I laughed out loud. It was a truly touching book. I really enjoyed how Skeeter formed a friendship with the maids, especially Minny and Aibileen. This was an overall amazing book that was so hard to put down.

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