<i>Eleanor and Park</i> by Rainbow Rowell | Teen Ink

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell MAG

September 9, 2015
By kot390087146 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
kot390087146 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Nithing lasts forever. So live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the drama, take chances, and never have regrets. Because at one point everything you did was exactly what you wanted.&quot;

Eleanor Douglas, with her crazy red hair and strange clothes, is the newest student at the Omaha, Nebraska, high school. Park Sheridan is half Korean, a comic book reader, lover of music, and a sophomore who likes to lay low. In an epic love story, these two teens show us what it is like to be young and constantly facing the cruelty of high school. This hard-to-put-down page-turner will have you admiring their bravery, envying their relationship, and rooting for them the whole way through. Eleanor and Park is a magnificent story about two misfits and one extraordinary love. I would definitely recommend this book for romance lovers.

When Eleanor gets on the bus, everyone slides their belongings over, leaving her no place to sit. Park reluctantly tells her to sit with him. After a few silent, awkward bus rides, he notices that Eleanor has been reading his comic books over his shoulder, and so they begin making small talk, and Park decides to loan her some of his comic books. He even makes her cassette tapes (it is 1986 after all). Eleanor takes them home, careful not to show them to her four siblings, mother, or abusive step-father. Park and Eleanor hold hands for the first time on the bus, and you can practically see the sparks flying from the book. They both know that they want to continue experiencing this magical feeling.

Eleanor goes to Park’s house almost every day, and becomes close with his family. She convinces her family she is going over to a friend’s house because she knows she will never get to see Park again if her family finds out. Eleanor knows she can’t keep this secret much longer but decides to enjoy it while it lasts. With a surprise ending, this story leaves you wanting more.

I give Eleanor and Park five stars because it is a great read with a great message. Even though it’s fiction, the love between them feels real. Rainbow Rowell has created a masterpiece. Eleanor and Park is inspiring and uplifting. You can’t help envying them and feeling sorry for them all at the same time. I’m glad Rowell shows us that some kids have it worse than we do. I am also thankful she shows us that we should follow our hearts, because if Eleanor and Park can do it, so can we.

Eleanor and Park is a book worth losing hours of sleep for. Readers experience a variety of emotions, including love, lust, anger, sadness, happiness, and envy. Not only are you reeled in like a fish, but you learn how awful people can really be. This novel is hard not to love, with its charming characters, terrific theme, and pulling plot. A big thumbs up to Rainbow Rowell! I can’t wait to read what comes next! 

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