Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand | Teen Ink

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

September 9, 2015
By AdmiralGeneraloftheUSSR BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
AdmiralGeneraloftheUSSR BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.&rdquo;<br /> <br /> <br /> ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Unbroken: How is it?

Yet another masterpiece from Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken takes the story of an Italian-American distance runner, Louis Zamperini. The book shows him as he goes from his Olympic career, to his time as a POW in the Pacific Theatre of WWII.

A vivid and emotional story, Unbroken doesn't just follow Zamperini's story, but also those around him. Unbroken shows a young man forced to survive some of the most harrowing and lethal experiences. This story gives a good look into the human spirit, and bravery in the face of a adversary greater than you. From trying to survive disease, sharks, and POW camps, to his later life and marriage, this book delves into his life.

The book itself is a wonderful. Other than some problems with a little too much information at times, and problems with citing, Unbroken is a must-have. The book goes into vivid detail, and makes it seem like you were actually there. This helps with the book's narration, as you go deeper into Zamperini's life and problems. From POW camps, to schoolyard bullies, Unbroken gives you a sense of just some of the things Zamperini experienced in his life, and his accomplishments.

An excellent book, Unbroken explains just how you cannot break the human spirit at times. This book, in conclusion, is a must-read for young adults and teenagers. Giving you a vivid experience, and makes you want more like this book. This book gives you much more than a simple biography, as Unbroken goes far into the feeling and experience of Zamperini, as he goes from a rebelling teenager, to a Army Air Corps POW in Japan. This book a something for everyone, and is one of the best I have ever read. Though not as good a Catch-22, this book is an amazing tool for young men and women.

The author's comments:

My school forced me to read this. It was still good though.

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