A Child Called It by David Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by David Pelzer

September 9, 2015
By Xo.reanna.ox BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Xo.reanna.ox BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" in the end we only regret the chances we didn't take "

The Child Called It was very heart breaking story. David suffered from horrible beatings from his mother. It was known as the worse cases of child abuse in the state of California. David lived with his mom and his dad, who was supposed to be his ''hero'', and his other two brothers. David was the only one in his family to be abused. He was mostly physical abused but that caused him to be emotional abused too. This book was the saddest book I've ever read, but it was so good.

Every time Davids mom would drink his abuse would be worse. One day she told him to stand undressed in just his underwear in front of the stove. She took his arm and placed it right on top of the burner. She would starve him for days at a time. It got to the point were David had to start stealing food from the other kids at school, because he couldn't control hid hunger for food. Just so David wouldn't be able to eat Davids mom would have him throw up the food he stole. Sometimes she would make him eat after he threw it up. Davids dad was supposed to be his only hope for the abuse to stop, but later through out the book Davids dad gives up.

To me The Child Called It was very sad and at times made me tear up. There was was some very disturbing parts throughout the book. I feel like everybody should get the chance to read this book. The book teaches you how grateful you should be to have the life you have because as you can tell others are much worse. Once i picked up this book I could not put it down. I finished it in one day. It was a great book!!

All David ever wanted was to have a normal life like he had once before his mom became an alcoholic. David was known as nothing at home and a delinquent at school. When really all he wanted was to be loved and attention from his family.

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