An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green

September 9, 2015
By TMidk5 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
TMidk5 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She turned her cants into can and her dreams into plans"

In the book An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green, there are many twist and turns. Its full of comedy, heartbreak, and discoveries. Heartbreak will lead Colin, and Hassan to a town called Gutshot. This book will take you on a journey that leads to who knows where. Colin Singleton, and his friend Hassan have just graduated from high school. Colin has everything he needs except for Katherine #19. Colin has dated Katherines all his life, a total of 19 to be exact. He has been dumped by all of the Katherines, or so he thought so. And recently he got dumped by Katherine #19, and he is full of sorrow, and heartbreak. That is when Hassan and Colin go on a road trip. They end up in a town called Gutshot, Tennessee. Here they get jobs, and meet a girl named Lindsey. While Colin is in Gutshot he is trying to complete his theorem on dumpers and dumpees. He couldn't complete it until he found out that he dumped Katherine #3, not the other way around. Colin and Lindsey end up becoming really close. Will they end up more than friends? You'll have to wait and see. Where will they end up? that we do not know. Overall An Abundance Of Katherines was a great book! This book is 228 pages of awesomeness. I suggest this book for everyone. Its the type of book that has you hanging on the edge of your seat. It contains a great story along the with journey. John Green did an excellent job. I could not put this book down! It really grabbed my attention. This is one of the best books i have ever read, it was truly amazing, and it took me on an adventure.

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