Wonder by R.J. Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

September 9, 2015
By StealthB716 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
StealthB716 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If oppurtunity doesn't knock, build a door."

     Wonder is that kind of book that really makes you wonder. It makes you wonder if the events in this story could happen in the real world, and yes they really can! The way our main protagonist, August Pullman, is bullied is how people everyday are bullied. They are called ugly, monster, creep, etcetera. It's awful how they do that to people. The thing is that August believes that no matter what the problem, he can pull through and I think that's how everyone should look at life.
     The book Wonder tells us about a young boy named August and how he was born with a very rare disease that changes or deforms your face. A disease that comes from 1 gene out of the hundreds of thousands of genes passed on to us by our parents. For most of August's childhood he is homeschooled by his mother. His sister, Via, protects him in any way she can. August's parents think that now it time for August to go to public school for a better education and social life. Via believes that this would be a great opportunity for August and encourages him to go. August gets to school and makes a handful of friends, but with friends you also got enemies. The whole school, besides his friends, ignores August. This is all because of our Antagonist, Julian. Julian is most likely the worst and rude kid in school and when he sees August, he hates him.
     Wonder really shows you that not everyone is perfect. Even the people who have million dollar cars aren't perfect. Everyone has a problem in their lives that they are afraid of. If you had a handful of people lined up in a line and you had to choose a few of them to be your friends, you would probably choose the kids with the nicest hair or nicest clothes or shoes. Then there is a kid who doesn't have fancy hair or expensive shoes, but they could be one of the nicest and funniest people that you will ever meet. That's how August is in this story, he doesn't look like you and me and thats why people judge him, but he is super nice and really funny. We and the characters in this story just choose that if they don't look cool or normal, they shouldn't be our friend.
     This book is a story that everyone should read! It takes you inside the mind of August Pullman. It shows you what it is like to be different and not like everyone else. You go on an adventure that you never knew you could take. Wonder doesn't only entertain you, it teaches you. If you see this book in stores, pick it up! If you see it online order it! Believe me, you won't regret buying this book.

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