Wonder by R.J. Palacio | Teen Ink

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

September 9, 2015
By matame11167 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
matame11167 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every woman for her self.

Worst Writing Ever
2 of 5 Stars

Wonder by RJ Palacio is an interesting book with touching message:Beauty comes from within. Even though Wonder has a beautiful message, I believe Palacio lacked some simple writing ability that should be equipped with writers that are writing for a 12+ age group.

August Pullman is a 10 year old boy who was born with a facial deformation. His whole life he has been homeschooled until he's faced with a decision. Auggie can choose to go to Beecher Prep, a private school, or stay homeschooled with his mom. He's never been to a real school before but, he's experienced bulling because of his face. His experiences in the past make him feel ready for what lyes ahead.

Wonder has a great message that should be embraced by all ages, but the writing was bad. Palacio had August speaking like he was three even though he was 11 years old. She was using simple words like, "good, happy, sad."When the point of view changed to his high school sister, the characters voice was that of a 10 year old. It seemed like Palacio had some trouble channeling there voices to there age group which made the story seemed like it was for a much younger reading level. Palacio's use of basic words doesn't challenge the reader into thinking beyond the book.

Palacio had an amazing theme for Wonder but lacked simple writing ability for a book geared towards the 12+ age group. More descriptive language would improve this book along with channeling characters but, I already put my stamp on this book, and wish for any potential readers to not read this book. It will waste your time and money and I do not want you to get sucked into the dark abyss of this horrible book.

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