The boy called it by David pelzer | Teen Ink

The boy called it by David pelzer

September 9, 2015
By XxXxillumainatiXxXx BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
XxXxillumainatiXxXx BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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my book review

a boy name dave lives on a street in California.And has a mom a dad and two brothers
he is like any other little kid he goes to school  everyday . But when things go wrong in school his mother will do terrible things to him like play terrible games that hurt dave physical.his brothers ignore dave with terrible attitude and disrespect.dave would want to get help but his dad is his only option to live.Dave Pelzer is a very good author with some amazing taste of words.and makes very good sense to me and some of the people who have read the book . Dave's mother would always come close to killing dave just like one little tiny inch.
dave escapes from his mothers hands at the end of the story
at that time dave stands strong and lived with his dad then
which his dad was nicer and better than his stuck up mother
and dave on the other hand he lived with his dad for the rest of his childhood
why does his dad not help him he must be doing something else like checkers.the kids were pretty mad at dave when they stole there lunch boxes probably some snicker bars in there.why does Davis  mother have a litter box do they have cats.How does dave run to a store and back and how do the people not know this kids in school.The adults in the story are all mean and don't believe dave even the kids what the heck.

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