A child called it by Dave Pelser | Teen Ink

A child called it by Dave Pelser

September 9, 2015
By Hellopeople17 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Hellopeople17 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book a child called it is about a boy named David who gets abused by his mother his mother is a alcoholic. She used to be nice to David and his three brothers and then she started drinking alcohol then she completely turned into a monster.                                      

      A child called it is a story people should read because me personally it was a good book but I don't like to read but if you do like to read you should seriously consider reading this book it shows life in an abused boys point of view so try it.

     To be honest just as I said before I don't like reading but this book will show you how hard life can be and its not always as easy as you think this is how it was in a child called it so if you think that your life is hard read this book and you will see how much harder it can be.

      I think that in a child called it hope is in his heart kept him alive because with ought hope in his heart he probably would not have made it as far as he did but with hope by his side he made it out of the horror he lived in. His mother was an alcoholic. David got stabbed beaten starved forced to eat fecis. I mean who does that to there own son you could not have a soul. I don't think half of the world could go through the pain the torture and even the thought of your own mother having no love or remorse for you. I just think that it is interesting story and if you like to read on your spare time then read it.

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