Diary of a young girl by Anne Frank | Teen Ink

Diary of a young girl by Anne Frank

September 9, 2015
By CDM_8 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
CDM_8 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

September 8, 2015

The novel " A Diary Of A Young Girl " by Anne Frank is a very and inspiring book. It tells the tragic story of a young jewish girl. The book is very interesting in the beginning and the end. The middle was not filled with that much excitement at least for me personally. And in my opinion the middle was a little boring.

The Diary of Anne Frank is a book about a young Jewish girl who lives in holland during the time of World War II. The Germans began to take over more and more of holland so her family decides to run from holland and the German army. So they hide in Anne's fathers office building in a secret annex of the building. It was a section cut off and hidden from the rest of the building. It was not just the frank family in the annex. Mr. & Mrs. Van Daan and their son Peter who was a few years older than Anne.

I liked and disliked this book in many way and for many different reasons. I liked the story overall because of the history and what the holocaust was like Kt shows the constant fear a Jewish person had during the war and the troubles they had to go through to try not to get caught. But I disliked this book because in my opinion the middle of the book was quite boring. The beginning of the book and most of the end are exciting but during the middle of the book  they just are in the annex and it was boring to me.

I think that I would recommend this book to other people my age. I would recommend it as an interesting book but not an exciting book. But I would recommend that people read it because I think that everybody should her the holocaust first hand from someone who was living it. And I think that is a better understanding for young people because Anne was 13 years old so in some ways we could relate being around the same age. And it is a book that in my opinion is a book that should be read by everybody 13 and up.

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