An Abundance of Katherines by John Green | Teen Ink

An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

September 9, 2015
By Srobin BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Srobin BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

An Abundance of Katherine's was another great example of John Greens outstanding writing. Although this book was not as good and known as his others. It was still at great read. I enjoyed every second of it. Once i got started it seemed as if i just couldn't put it down. This book puts a picture in your head of what all the characters look like and what the landscape looks like. Its like a mini movie in your head.

Colin Singleton is a child prodigy who was recently dumped by his girlfriend Katherine. This wasn't the first time he has been dumped by a Katherine. This last time actually marked his nine-tenth. His friend and him go on a road trip and end up in a place called "GutShot" Tennessee. Colin meets a girl who he begins to get to know.

  I recommend this book to any older reader looking for a good romance and adventure. This book makes you feel as if you are right beside Colin and going through his adventure with him. I know being teenagers would like this book too because it takes place in modern time so they can relate to the exact same struggles Colin and his friends are going through.

In conclusion i find that this book was one of the best i have read in a while, and i recommend it to anyone looking for a good read. When you are reading this time just seems to slip right by and in a good way. This book was very amusing and i would choose it over a movie any day.


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