A child called it by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A child called it by Dave Pelzer

September 9, 2015
By Josephk123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Josephk123 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Winners don't make excuses when the other side plays the game- Harvey specter

If they know you care, they'll walk all over you- Harvey specter

"A child called it", by Dave Pelzer Is a sad story of a child with a terrible home life. It is a true story about him. It is an autobiography about Dave. His mother tortures him almost every day. She is also a crazy alcoholic. She wasn't always a terrible mother. The family used to be a normal family until Dave's parents start to fight.

      Dave starts out as a normal child who is loved by both of his parents. They take him and his siblings on vacation and road trips. Later on in the book, his mother and father start to have some arguments. They start to fight and yell at each other. His father eventually doesn't come around the house as much. His mother starts to drink more often and becomes an alcoholic. She starts to take all her anger out on Dave. It starts by her just yelling at him constantly everyday. It builds up to her punching him in the face. He is not allowed to eat for three days straight every week. When he gets to eat, he eats scraps. His mother makes him wear dirty and ripped clothes to school. He is put in the garage to sleep. He has to do every chore in the house everyday and then is beaten after. She stabs him with a knife one day.  This goes on for a long time until the school does not believe Dave's lies that his mother orders him to tell. They call the police and take Dave to a child care facility and take his mother to jail.

     It is a nice book to read. I most likely wouldn't read any other books of his because they are all about the same thing. It is an eye opening book that makes you think. It is an interesting scary book.

     It is a good book for violence and suspense. I would recommend thus to people who like short, quick, and good reads. I give it a 7 out of 10

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