Review on Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank | Teen Ink

Review on Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank

September 9, 2015
By Zonoitan BRONZE, Scott Depot, West Virginia
Zonoitan BRONZE, Scott Depot, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pursue what you can, Imagine how you dream, Love who you need, Observe where you act, Understand when you listen. Then.... The rest is up to you." --- My own quote

         Anne Frank probably didn't have much intention in being this famous of an writer. Then said, she most likely didn't intend on being the author of the second most sold book in the world. That book was her diary of how the war affected her life and the rest of her family. Speaking of her family, they lived in Nazi Germany and the Holland, fleeing from the discriminating Germans; for the Frank family were exceptionally Jewish. This was one of the worst times to be of that religion ever in Europe, from what history can tell. Hence, to escape the Nazi's clutch Anne and her family went into hiding. This discreet place of where she and relatives hid was known as the Secret Annex.
        Anne's description on how life in the shadows was, made it seem like the reader was in hiding too. All of the details didn't fail to give the reader a clear image of how Anne felt, and how the day affected her. Sights that terrified and worried Anne were also in the book however. There were children being seperated from their parents, families excavated out of their homes, executions on every block of people who resisted. A horror put into words, as some might say. However, Anne wasn't always witnessing something harsh for her age, for there were times when she and her family made the best of the stressful hiding: there were days that they would come together for a board game, and maybe have a few laughs. All good things as some might say,
       Though Anne wasn't alive long enough to see her diary marvel, it's believed that her book has drawn and educated millions of readers on these times were in history. Because her story was so fantastic, I would recommend it to all people who show interest, though they might've already read it ;).

The author's comments:

I loved th book, and so I said "why not write a review on it?"

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