We Think, Therefore We Are by Peter Crowther | Teen Ink

We Think, Therefore We Are by Peter Crowther MAG

February 4, 2009
By Teresa Konopka BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
Teresa Konopka BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Peter Crowther’s We Think, Therefore We Are is a compilation of short stories about artificial intelligence. Since there are many narrators, each with his/her own point of view, this book evokes many emotions. From the demented machine that thinks on the same level as a schizophrenic, to the fastidious robot that would kill people to increase production and efficiency, this book has it all.

Even religion and love are covered, as artificial beings vainly try to find God or have compassion for others. In many of the stories, the machines attempt to be more like humans and do not comprehend why they can’t be. Sure, holograms and metal can make machines appear human, but robots do not experience true human emotions. That is why the fear of robots killing humans without any remorse is so frighteningly plausible.

These short stories in Crow­ther’s We Think, Therefore We Are are geared toward readers with a science background. The impact of the book cannot truly be felt by one who does not comprehend how rapidly science is progressing. After all, to those not immersed in science culture, the stories in the book are just for pleasure; they are not something that will creep up on them possibly within the next couple of decades.

Overall, the book is engaging. The only flaw is the occasional lewd sentence or interjected obscenity. On the whole, the book is very enjoyable and leaves readers sweating with fear if they know a thing or two about technology.

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