Meagan Meade's Guide To The McGowan Boys | Teen Ink

Meagan Meade's Guide To The McGowan Boys

January 30, 2009
By Alexis Johnson BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
Alexis Johnson BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Megan Meade's Guide To The McGowan Boys is about Megan Meade. She is an army brat and is used to moving around. Though the next time her parents tell her to pack her things and move to South Korea, she refused. Megan felt like she was at home once she got to Texas and who can blame her she lived there for two years. Her parents felt her pain so they gave her an ultimatum: she either had to go with them to South Korea or Live in Boston with her parents old friends family. She decided to go to Boston and live with the seven McGowan boys and their parents.
Once she gets there she remembers childhood memories with these boys like playing outside or how annoying some of them were. Megan has some obstacles she has to overcome to live there peacefully: she has to get over the fact that she took Doug McGowan's room and that he will use that against her or put that over her head. Another one is that she has admiration towards Evan McGowan and has to get over it so her life on the soccer won't be horrific. The last one would be that she is starting to get into Finn McGowan and his artistic skills. Megan was starting to think that all of the bad things that are happening around the house are all her fault.
After a while she just realizes Boston isn't her place to be. Korea may be her place to be but is it really the right decision? She packs up all of her things and leaves' or does she live with the McGowan's until her parents move back to the United States.


This article has 1 comment.

ceja said...
on Feb. 9 2009 at 9:21 pm
I really liked this review--it made me want to go right out and get the book from the library and read it. I had to move a lot when I was growing up--and I often wonder what would have happened if I had stayed behind when the family moved. Thanks!