The Most Dangerous Game Review | Teen Ink

The Most Dangerous Game Review

May 27, 2015
By Arianne_731 BRONZE, Kearns, Utah
Arianne_731 BRONZE, Kearns, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the book “The Most Dangerous Game” a man named Rainsford and his friends go on a boat trip to Rio de Janeiro but when things go wrong and Rainsford falls off of their ship. But one thing that he doesn’t know is that they are by the deadly ship-trap island. When Rainsford is crawling to the shore of the island, he hears a gunshot and a animals squeal. Once he got on the island,he saw footprints leading to iron gate. At the gate he meets a big and hairy man named ivan, at first he refuses to let him into the house until another man lets him in.He meets a man named Colonel Zaroff, who at first was nice and offered him food with a good shelter. At first Rainsford is feeling welcomed and warm in this new house. But slowly as Zaroff gains his trust he reveals an evil secret that can easily draw danger. Rainsford doesn’t really know what to do.The rest is for the reader to find out.

Honestly this book is full of surprise and such good detail. When you read this book, not only will you feel like you are apart of every little scene but you will feel connected to the story. The book has a deeper meaning to it and If you’re looking for a book with twists and plenty of adventure with some thrillers, then this is the book for you. The book has many theories that not only make you think but make you wonder too. Is the villain really a villain or is he just just expressing himself? all of these questions will be running through your mind with this book. The book not only has amazingly good details with the characters but it has amazing detail with the scenes. When a character is describing a area, you feel like as if you can just reach out and touch it. They describe the scenes in a way that can mess with your senses. The author goes into great detail with everything from the big bed he sleeps in to the meer grass that crunches under the character's feet.

I would recommend this book to anyone and I think that previous readers would agree with me. This book may not involve love but you will fall in love with the book itself and its features. Anyone can read any book but if you want a book that is worth going under your covers at night with a flashlight to read than this is the book. It has great details, cliffhanger, and so much thrill! I am not one to read a lot of book but this is a sure page turner! This book belongs on everybody's “read” list for sure. One bad thing is that the book it starts a little boring because you think nothing exciting happens but with patience you can have a new favorite book, Once you read further in you won’t ever be able to drop until you have the very last word of the very last page.  

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