Stiffs by Mary Roach | Teen Ink

Stiffs by Mary Roach

May 22, 2015
By VeryMeganWriting BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
VeryMeganWriting BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I used to think that once you died, you're body couldn't be of any use, but that is far from what can happen. When you die you can be of so much more help to others. From donating organs to being a cadaver to test new car safety techniques your body after life will save others. This amazing ability is giving sick people peace in knowing that their body will still be helping others. Even though complete organ transplants are relatively new, cadavers have been used for centuries. We would not know half as much as we do about the human body of it wasn't for the use and study of the deceased human body.
          Reading this book, I was able to learn so much but also laugh because how it is written. She was able to share historical discoveries like where our nerves are, how our circulatory system works and many other things. Reading this book educated me on things about the body I would have never thought of before. I never realized how much a body can tell you about what happened before you died either. Whole accidents can be figured out just by analyzing common outcome on the human body.
          The body can be used after death, even if it's not for medical purposes. There were studies done that the author talked about that even tried to study crucifixion and how that would have worked. People's bodies have been taken when autopsies were against the laws. No matter what the world was or will be like human bodies after death will always be able to influence all aspects of our life. Whether it is in the medical field or in the field of saving lives in car safety, reading this book on cadavers use opened my eyes to them. The author was able to take this unknown subject and make it seem like everyone knows and is informed about it.

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