Old Yeller by Fred Gipson | Teen Ink

Old Yeller by Fred Gipson

May 4, 2015
By Beastoni5 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
Beastoni5 BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

After reading Old Yeller, a novel written by Fred Gipson, I was left with a tear in my eye and a scar on my heart. This story takes readers through a twisting, turning, and tumbling journey through a series of very emotional and relatable stories. It shows how powerful the relationship between a boy and his dog can truly be. Gipson’s tear-jerking story of a boy and his dog is sure to bring even the manliest man to the midst of crying.
The book Old Yeller is a story that focuses on a 14 year-old boy name Travis Coates. After his father leaves for Kansas to gain money and provide for his family, Travis is left in charge to care for his younger brother Arliss, his mother, and his family’s farm. But when a stray dog shows up, things in Travis’s life start to change. Especially when an epidemic of hydrophobia breaks out. The book takes you through a story about a bond between a boy and his best friend.
This is by far one of the best books I have read in a while.  Every character in this story has a distinct personality and feel about them. I could relate them to many people in my own life. Such as Arliss whom Travis is always arguing with is very relatable to my own little sister. Or the persistent Bud Searcy who reminds me of several people in my life. Even though this story takes place in a different place and time than what I live in, the aspects and presence of the story make me feel like I am living in Texas with Travis and the other characters.
This novel written by Fred Gipson takes readers to a very emotional state of mind in a way that so many people can relate to. Whether you do or don’t have dog, this story can touch even those with the most hatred for reading. A classic novel that anyone and everyone must read.

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