Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher | Teen Ink

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

May 3, 2015
By Anonymous

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher is such a heart-wrenching, incredible book. I was sucked in on the first page and couldn't stop reading since.

When coming home from school one day, Clay Jensen sees a package wrapped in a brown bag sitting on his porch. It is addressed to him, however does not have a return address. When he opens the box, he discovers seven cassette tapes, each side labeled with the numbers one through thirteen.

When Clay begins listening to the tapes, he is astonished at the voice spilling through the speakers. It is the voice of Hannah Baker, a girl he went to school with that committed suicide days before.

On the tapes Hannah explains that each of the thirteen people she talks about on the tapes is in some way responsible for Hannah killing herself. Throughout the tapes, she talks about the last days of her life and how each person led her to commit suicide.

Curious as to why he had a part in Hannah's death, Clay listens to the tapes throughout the night and finds that he doean't really know anyone in his school and town as Hannah reveals what really happened.

In my opinion, this is a book that everyone should read. Jay Asher really makes you think about how your everyday actions affect people, and that a simple smile or hello can truly save a life. Throughout the book I made personal connections with the characters and felt as if they were real people I knew. I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to everyone.


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