The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien

March 24, 2015
By DragonFlame BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
DragonFlame BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"-Sherlock Holmes

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien is an amazing book.  It starts off with an adventure that starts off on Bag-end which is surprising in and of itself.  The Hobbits are quiet creatures who prefer food over excitement and Bilbo Baggins is no different (mostly).  Bilbo is quite the respectable Hobbit.  He never does anything dangerous and that includes most especially adventures when thirteen dwarves and a wizard show up on his front steps, it, to say the least, surprises him.  He goes with them.  The life of an adventurer does not, at first, seem to work for him, but Bilbo quickly overcomes that.  He is worth much more than even Gandalf ever suspected.

      I recommend this book to anyone who is willing to play with fire.  That is what this book is, a fire, catching quickly and spreading beyond recognition.  It is ever burning and all consuming.  You’ll be a Tolkien fan before you can say “Hobbit”.

     I love this book.  It is the cause of a generation. It creates kids’ imagination and feeds them.  It is the very fabric of life for the fantasy world.  It teaches people that there are more important things than treasure and possessions.  It teaches people that there is magic left in the world even if you don’t always see it and that your friends, though you fight, will always be there for you.  It shows us that even in times of great struggle good will triumph.  That is why I like this book. 

The author's comments:

MY class just got finished reading The Hobbit.


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