The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien | Teen Ink

The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien

March 24, 2015
By Ebenezer BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
Ebenezer BRONZE, Fairmont, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         I’ll be telling you about my opinion about the book “The Hobbit” by J.R.R Tolkien. In Tolkien’s previous works they’ve been a success like The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. Which “The Hobbit” contains some of the creatures from the previous installments. This was book that inspired a lot of books to follow in Tolkien’s footsteps in writing in the adventure fantasy genre of books.
     The book starts off with the description of a Hobbit and his house, it goes into the details of his magnificent door. The Hobbit Bilbo Baggins was sitting on the porch smoking a wooden pipe when an older gentlemen came walking towards his house. Bilbo greets him with good morning after talking to the man Bilbo then realized that the man was Gandalf the wizard. Bilbo asks Gandalf for tea tomorrow and the next day the dwarves arrive. After a while Bilbo figures he wants to go on his adventure with Gandalf and the Dwarves and then the adventure starts. There going on the adventure for Thorin King Under The Mountains inherited gold which the dragon Smaug is sleeping on.
     This is the big spoiler alert, after their treacherous adventure they reach the mountain where his gold is supposed to be. Earlier in their adventure the met Elrond who is the leader of the Elves read there map which had runes (Words only wizards of elves can read) well these were written in moon runes which can only be seen by putting the map towards the moon and runes will appear. It says a keyhole would appear when the sun is fading. When they arrived they couldn’t find the keyhole so they just sat there until Bilbo noticed the sun shining in the keyhole Bilbo immediately screamed for Thorin and Thorin grabbed the key out of his pocket flung it into the door and turns it the door opens. Once the door opens they make Bilbo go in and look around then Bilbo has a conversation with the dragon Smaug when Bilbo angers the beast it fly out of the mountain and wreaks havoc among the town. They shoot an arrow into Smaug’s soft spot under his chest and he dies.
     I would recommend the book it tells a great adventure and is an all-around spectacular book it was one of my personal favorite books and I would believe you’d enjoy it too.
     I personally believe that the best chapter in the whole entire book is “Riddles in The Dark” This is when you meet the dark creature Gollum who has a riddle match with Bilbo which was very interesting. The chapter tells so much about the book, Bilbo captures the magic ring that makes him invisible which he uses throughout the story. I would definitely recommend the book because it’s a classic that tells you about an amazing adventure with interesting creatures that Bilbo fights and makes allies with like the dwarves and Gandalf in which he makes allies with. But also Gollum and Smaug who are also his enemies in the story.
     I would have to give this 5/5 stars it was an amazing adventure with the dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf I would have to tell you to go and buy the book because it’s an amazing adventure.

The author's comments:

My 8th grade class read this in the 2nd semester.

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