Cutssss by Patricia McCormick | Teen Ink

Cutssss by Patricia McCormick

March 13, 2015
By Niah_Justice BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Niah_Justice BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;its seems that pain and regret are your best friends because everything you do leads you to them.&quot;<br /> ~THE WEEKND~

She may look like some ordinary innocent girl, but deep deep down inside she has many issues. In school she struggles to focus due to many many issues she has a hard time participating in and out of the facility. This leads her to self harm, which put her in a “residential treatment facility” for girls who struggle with personal problems. And she doesn’t want anything to do with the girls, she won’t even speak to them.

“Cuts” by Patricia McCormick is a fictional story about a girl named Callie. This book is graphic, lifelike, and inspiring at the same time. Its a mystery on what’s happening to Callie and what is eating at her? Why won’t she speak to the other girls at the facility ?Callie is sent to the nurse office for numerous scars on her arm.Callie cuts herself not to hard to to soft just enough to feel the pain. Outside she says im fine which reads HELP. MISUNDERSTOOD, PAIN, FEAR….but she keeps that to herself, by staying quiet.

This book might be inspiring to others because people go through this everyday they have issues at home, at school, or at work and they choose to harm themselves usually to relief stress or they think that it makes things better. This book shows that its okay to get help and maybe talking to others helps.

I recommend this book to teens. Especially in highschool because things change when you get to high school.
The people get meaner and times get harder, SInce this is about a teen struggling in life i think it should be required reading. This book is a real eye-opener to students who already self harm themselves or are open to the option to self harm themselves.

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