The Outsiders by S.E Hinton | Teen Ink

The Outsiders by S.E Hinton

January 14, 2015
By insanityApocalypse BRONZE, Johnston, Iowa
insanityApocalypse BRONZE, Johnston, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"game bro is lame and we all know it"

I have read the book The Outsiders twice for school before break. Although we were only assigned to read it once, I read it twice because i thought it was a well-writen touching novel. There isn't much humor in this book, it's a very serious book.
    The story plot takes place within Oklahoma in a small town called Tulsa. In this town there are very distinct social classes; Greasers and Soc's. Greasers were the most hated and picked on because they were usually poor and caused a lot of mayhem. The Socs’ lived on the west side of Tulsa, they were very rich and popular.
    The reason that is such a serious plot is because Ponyboy, the main character, and Johnny got into trouble with a Soc that caused them to go into hiding. There isn’t much that I can tell you because there are so many plot twists and shocking events. The characters are very lovable and you will get attached to them. My favorite character would have to be Sodapop, who is Ponyboy’s brother. I like him so much because of his love for his brother and how sweet he is. He shows that by protecting and defending Pony. Soda to me is a hero.
   There is also a movie that follows along with the book almost word for word. There are a few minor differences but most of them, in my opinion, make the movie better. The one thing I hate about the movie is that the some of the characters don’t match their descriptions. An example of this is how in the book it said how Soda’s hair was so blonde it was almost white but in the movie is was a rich chocolaty brown.
    The first movie of The Outsiders that was filmed in 1983 hadn’t had the music that was in the 2005 version, but if you do want to see the movie after you read the book you really should watch the older version. The audio was a lot louder than the speech, as well. When we watched the movie in class we were watching the 2005 version and the music blasted through the speakers, but when a character was speaking it sounded like a mouse whispering.
    Another problem with the book and the movie is that the characters were not exactly believable, an example of this is how the boys compliment each other. I have never seen a boy act like that in my life, but I do have to give the author a little credit because she is a girl and was in her teens when she wrote the book.
    What i thought was cool about the movie is that the author, S.E Hinton actually played a role in the movie. Something you don’t see often. The characters in the movie didn’t act that well. Overall, because it was filmed in 1883 I would say it was a great and intriguing movie. There are a lot of famous actors in it, it was different to see how they looked when they were younger..
     If this sounds interesting to you you should read the book before you watch the movie. Its a short book with a lot of action. It has some drama in it but not a lot. Most of the characters are guys so this might be a little more appealing to guys that it would be to girls. It has a lot of fighting so this might not be appropriate for young readers.
     I would rate the book 8 out of teen book and the movie I would rate 6 out of 10 stars.

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