the 13th reality by james dashner | Teen Ink

the 13th reality by james dashner

January 10, 2015
By ellaazazzy BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
ellaazazzy BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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The 13th Reality is an incredible, thrilling, and mysterious book written by the same author who wrote the award winning series “The Maze Runner.”
The 13th Reality is about a young boy named Tick. He receives numerous letters all signed by the initials M.G. Tick must figure out the riddles inside the letter, for many lives are at stake. Along the way he meets his new friends Sophia and Paul. Together they try and figure out the mystery of the letters before time runs out.
I think the authors purpose is to entertain readers and keep them wondering what happens next. I think he does an amazing job at that. I never wanted to put the book down because I was so interested in what was going on in Ticks life and I wanted to know so badly what all the riddles meant. It was also really fun trying to figure out the riddles with Tick. Each time Tick figured out something I felt satisfaction then curiosity on what was going to happen next. It was an awesome book and I loved it so much.
If you feel like reading a new book I highly suggest reading this book. Its a book all ages would enjoy. I loved it and you will too!

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