the last olympian by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

the last olympian by Rick Riordan

January 6, 2015
By luis raygoza BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
luis raygoza BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Rick Riordan, I love reading your books because I can’t stop wanting to read more. But my favorite is the last olympian in the Percy Jackson series. Because how theres so much action, adventure and decisions. I would really love if you made another book in the Percy Jackson series so I could keep on reading. When i'm reading your book, I imagine the whole story in my head. I infer all the time, I read and think about the main idea. Reading your books have made me a better reader because I don't really like reading books but when it comes to your’s there's a whole different topic. When Zeus said Percy could become a god and Percy rejected it I was really shocked. That was one of my favorite decision’s, I liked in your whole series. I thought, would I reject such a thing like that for just a girl. If I had that chance I would become a god instead of being a demigod. My favorite character in the book is Percy because how he has the power to use water. I love how they can use their powers to make anything with water and talk to horse’s.Especially how he can heal by touching water and how he doesn't get wet in the water. Also how he knows where he is like he has a map with him. You made the book really interesting when Percys fighting against a bunch of bad people. If I could become a demigod, I would become a son of Poseidon because I admire his powers. I think that the movies are ok but when it comes to the books its a whole other explanation. Because how there's more in the book then the movie. I think that Percy is the leader of his group because how he steps up in bad moments. I also loved how you put Mount Olympus in Percy Jackson’s hands. Also how the faith of the god’s were in the hand’s of Percy. If the god’s were really real and they asked me, I wouldnt hesitate one second to say yes because I would love to be immortal forever. Also it changed my idea’s about this world because i'm grateful that we don’t have any demigod’s or monster’s in our world because it would be horrible.

The author's comments:

This book is very interesting and entertaining.

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