Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 16, 2014
By BrookeDaCrook BRONZE, Hawaii, Hawaii
BrookeDaCrook BRONZE, Hawaii, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bzzzzt Katniss was struck by a bolt of electricity in the battle arena of the Hunger Games. Katniss was then rescued by an aircraft of some sort and taken to district 13. At district 13, she was asked to be the Mockingjay. Both Katniss and Gale trained in combat and fighting to get ready for the rebellion. To me, I think the movie was better than the book because I don?t really love to read books. I mean there alright but I would rather just watch the movie. Plus in the movie you can see all the cute boys and in the book all u can do is check out them hawwt long words. So in my eyes you should always just see the movie.

In both the book and the movie, Katniss agreed to be the mockingjay with conditions. But what was different is that in the book it said that district 13 kidnapped people to do Katniss's makeup and wardrobe, and in the movie Effie is the one who had done all of that for her. Another difference between the book and the movie is that the book talks a lot about Finnick, and in the movie he doesn?t make that many appearances. I think the director made many good decisions in the movie. Like when he made it so that we could see what was going on when Gale and the soldiers were going to the capitol to steel Peetah. I was a little surprised that Boggs was dark skinned, because I have always pictured him as being white while I was reading the book. Especially the ending spot, I think it was a perfect place because it leaves the viewer wanting more. Also it was a little intense if you looked into Peetah?s eyes and noticed how much pain he looked like he was in.

I think you should go and watch the movie. I also think that even if you don?t enjoy reading, sometimes its good to read the book. Like i?m kind of glad I did but really didn?t want to at the time. The book made me picture different things and then see if my prediction of what it would look like was right. I mean if you?re into that kind of stuff then you should read the book first. I really, really recommend you go and watch it though, because I really enjoyed it. Especially when you have your little snacks and some popcorn and your all cozy in your chair, it is a very enjoyable movie.

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