The Secret History by Donna Tartt | Teen Ink

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

December 12, 2014
By kaylamorcat PLATINUM, Worcester, Massachusetts
kaylamorcat PLATINUM, Worcester, Massachusetts
25 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In Donna Tartt’s “The Secret History”, a group of exclusive Greek scholars participate in an ancient Bacchic ritual. When practicing this ancient Greek tradition, they are confronted by the reality of present day crime. The members of the tightly knit posse must conceal their dark secrets while attempting to maintain a normal life while trying to survive college.

The most intriguing thing about this book is how seamlessly Tartt intertwines the themes of classical Greek literature with modern day literature and psychology. Discussions between characters tell the reader of themes found in the classical Greek literature they were studying, and those same themes are reciprocated in the plot itself.

The plot was completely unpredictable and always left something unanswered. Though I would like to say I “didn’t want to put it down!”, a few times I did. There were a few parts here and there that were monotonous and could have been more concise. However, despite the rare bland parts, the book wrapped up nicely in a completely unpredictable ending.

The frankness of the epilogue made for a factual closing, yet it didn’t seem impersonal or rushed. Also, (at least in my copy) there’s a fun “Reader’s Guide” in which questions and answers between Tartt and her readers are posted. Overall: recommended for an easy read that keeps you on your toes.


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