Mockingjay Review by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay Review by Suzanne Collins

December 11, 2014
By Ponoy BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Ponoy BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mockingjay Review

Do you think that Katniss Everdeen is a good Mockingjay?  I think she is because she goes back to District 12 after the bombing to see what happened.  During the time spent at 12, she went into a building and found all the people were injured and needed a lot of attention.  There were a lot of people dead.  Katniss ended up sending a video too President Snow and said, “If we die, you burn with us!”  This saying shows her leadership that if Snow wants to keep killing people for no reason, they are going to kill him. 
Katniss also got a bow that was made just for her.  If anyone else tried to use it, the bow wouldn’t work.  They also made three different types of arrows.  There is one bow that acts like a normal bow.  There is also an incendiary bow.  Lastly there is an explosive bow that blows up at contact of another object.  Gale also gets a gun that shoots the bows.  He also the same three bows as Katniss.
The ending of the movie was a depressing ending because they left you thinking what is going to happen next with Peeta.  Gale and four others went to rescue the people that were being held captive by Snow.  President Snow had brainwashed Peeta which led him to almost killing Katniss. 
I wouldn’t have changed anything from the book to the movie.  The movie was very intriguing and kept me thinking what’s going to happen next.  There was a lot of action and there was also a lot of moments of sadness.  I usually fall asleep in the movies but this was one  movie that kept you on the edge of your seat. 
If I could see one thing different it would be if they added someone else trying to shoot Katniss's bow.  In the book it says that the bow only responds to her.  If anyone else tried to shoot it, it would not work.  In the movie they just show Katniss shooting the bow.
I love the theme of this movie because even though the Capital is destroying District 12 the people are not giving up.  They keep on fighting back.  With fighting back comes a price, people dying and family members gone.  The people of 12 does whatever they can do with the leadership of Katniss.  Also since Peeta is gone most of the time with the Capital, Gale steps in and helps Katniss.  This shows that Gale still has feelings for Katniss even though she is married to Peeta. 
I can’t wait until  part two of the Mockingjay comes out soon!!


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