Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins

December 9, 2014
By Anonymous

Mocking Jay Review

“They?ll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you.” Broken Katniss Everdeen fights to unite the districts to serve a common purpose.To overtake the capitol and kill President Snow. Her home, District 12, had been burned to nothing. As the face of the rebellion, she fights to save Prim and keep Peeta alive. I really enjoyed both the book and movie, but if I had to choose my favorite it would have to be the book.
There are many things that were different in the movie than in the book. For example some of the people they chose for the movie, and some of the events they included in Mocking Jay Part 1. One thing was the character Boggs, for the movie they casted an african american. This made me ponder a little because in the book he is not described as having dark skin and the book says he has grey hair and blue eyes.The actor did play the role extremely well, but I thought they would strive to find an actor who fits the description in the book.  One important thing to me is that the book is told from katniss?s point of view, however the films does not. This changes a lot of things because in the movie it doesn't really allow you to hear and feel whats going on in Katniss?s mind. Also in the book it talks about how the schedule of the District 13 people was scanned onto their arm by a machine. In the movie it doesn't even talk about their schedules. To me this was crucial because it affected Katniss?s behavior and decisions.  That event also made me realize that in the book the authorities of District 13 were really strict on their people, and in the movie they aren't as harsh. When Suzanne Collins described how they were fed just enough food to hold them over to the next meal and things like that. It made me realize how important it was that the people were conservative and always on track. This would have added a lot of more details to the movie, and made the people feel how the District 13 was runned. Lastly in the book the mission to rescue Peeta and the other victors from the capitol was performed off screen. During the mission they did not communicate with the rescue team. In Mocking Jay Part 1 the whole rescue is in the movie and the team is monitored most of the time by District 13. The movie shows a video chat between Katniss Everdeen and President Snow as a distraction as they rescue the victors. In the book this event does not happen. 
Through out my review it is pretty obvious that I enjoyed the book more because of all the details. I acknowledge that if many details weren't left out the movie would be too long, but I think that adding even a few details can make the movie so much better. The place they ended the movie is what really made me dislike it. Maybe it is because I read the book and I know what's going to happen, or simply that it left me hanging. I cant wait to watch Mocking Jay Part 2! I want to see how they are going to squeeze Part two and three of the book in to the trilogy finale. Personally reading isn?t my thing, but Mocking Jay is one of the most amazing, descriptive, crisp books I have ever read. Hopefully you too will read the book and experience the pain, anger, strength, and courage of Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire.

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