Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 8, 2014
By Anonymous

“The fire is catching and if we burn, you burn with us!” The book began with Katniss and Gale in their home District 12 reminiscing about their old life and also  worried about their friends captured in the Capitol. After they left 12 they headed to District 13 with the rest of Katniss? family. With the propos from Peeta warning them that the capitol is going to attack, all the citizens of District 13 rushed to their underground bomb shelter in a matter of seconds seeking safety. After the bombing, a six man team, including Gale and Boggs, went into the capitol rescuing; Peeta, Johanna, and Annie. When Katniss finally sees Peeta he ends up choking her and puts her in a cast the next day, which makes her worry about Peeta.  In my point of view the book was way better than the movie.
Some movies need to be under a time limit and they don't have time to add in all the juicy details and every single event that happened in the book. The book is where you go for all of the juicy details and the story events that they don't add into the movie; the book defines characters. When the book defines characters we get to know some of their personalities better and if they are on the good or the bad side.
While reading the book I imagined the setting of District 13s  bomb shelter to be a big hole in the ground and a ladder that everyone had to climb down on. My imagination was somewhat close but in the movie the setting of thirteen’s bomb shelter was a tunnel with spiral stairs.
The Director had added extra scenes in the movie that wasn't in the book, but to me they added scenes that went straight to the point instead of adding the details that would take up time for more important events. I think the director should have left those parts out and just put the main events that happened in the book, into the movie. One event the director took out of the movie was the event when Katniss found her prep team in a room naked and chained up to the wall. I think the director took this out because he had to keep the movie PG-13 and if he left this scene it would have been rated R. I think the director should have left this scene in, but with clothes on Katniss?s prep team so it would be PG-13. I think this because her prep team appears in the book  without any details on where they had been in the movie. This is an important scene because it explains how they came in. This is why I think the director should have left this scene in the movie.
In the movie, it ended after Peeta had choked Katniss and when Katniss saw Peeta the next day chained in a hospital bed. I think this was a bad place to end the movie because it leaves you hanging in a weird way. It doesn't leave you hanging like you want to know what happens next it leaves you hanging like its the end already and there's nothing else to say. Instead of ending the movie at this part the director should have ended the movie right when Boggs hits Peeta in the head with a pan because Peeta was choking Katniss  and the screen turns black. I say this because you want the audience to want to know what happens next that would have been the perfect time for that to happen. If the movie ended here the audience would want to read the book to find out what's going to happen next. This is why I think the director should have ended the movie at a certain point.
My opinion is that the book is better than the movie. I recommend that you should watch the movie first and then read the book. I say this because if you watch the movie first you wouldn't know what events they have left out and what they had put into the movie. Where if you read the book first you would know every single detail and some story events they would have left out of the movie and you would be really mad where the movie ends. When the movie ends you're going to want to keep on watching until the movie is totally finished because you read  the book and you want to see the rest of book version you read on the movie screen. This is why you should watch part 1 of the Mockingjay and then read the book while you're waiting for part 2 to come out. This is my recommendation to my peers.

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