For One More Day by Mitch Albom | Teen Ink

For One More Day by Mitch Albom

December 5, 2014
By Aylin Bravo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Aylin Bravo BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The overall moral of Mitch Albom’s book, For One More Day, published September 26, 2006 is that a mother’s love cannot be replaced or forgotten. Even after the mothers love is nowhere to be found their warmth is still felt deeply I felt like this was strongly described in the quote that stated “When someone is in your heart, they’re never truly gone. They can come back to you, even at unlikely times”. Also, in a the book it emphasizes the mothers love with all the events the main character describes. He talks about the past and all the good things his mother did to defend him and all she went through to support him and give him as much as she could to help him achieve in life. His point of view also is shared, and he describes how he never understood her actions and how he was ashamed of his mother because she was divorced and so appealing to the other men, he also describes how much he supported his father and always chose his side which meant that he would oppose his mother. Throughout his life he never gave back to his mother as much as she gave to her. At one point in time of the main characters life, he decided that it was worthless to keep going, his mother was no longer with him and that dramatically changed his life. This outcome made him separate from society and caused him to lose his daughter and his wife. When he took his life he once again met up with his mother and she helped him one last time to realize how precious his life is and how wasteful energy and efforts from her part will end up in vein if he decides to end his life permanently.
I can personally relate to this story because like any head strong teenager, I always disagree with my mother and I take for granted all the hard work she puts towards me. Obviously I know how important she is to me; however, I don’t always let her know. I leave it as an assumption to her to know that I appreciate all that she has done. This book made me have an apiphany, I realized how much effort is being given to me by this one special irreplaceable person. Now I let her know how thankful I am for all her support. I do this as frequent as possible but it will never be enough to really emphasize the work this amazing woman is doing.
My favorite part of the book was towards the end. His mother finally tells him what is going on. Why he can see her, talk to her, feel her. He was in shock and didn’t know what to do. He began panicking. Her motherly instincts came out and like an experienced one, she took care of him like any mother would to her child. This part was my favorite because it showed that no matter what age you are, 2 or 42, a mother will always protect and look after their children. To everyone with a hard working parent, I recommend this book to you. Read until the end and I can assure you will not regret it. The book will not leave your hands until the last word on the last page of the book is read.

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