Hit and Run by Lurline McDaniel | Teen Ink

Hit and Run by Lurline McDaniel

December 5, 2014
By CIslas BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
CIslas BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Hit and Run by Lurline McDaniel

This book is about a nerdy girl Laurie Stark who gets asked out on a date by a popular guy named Quin. They end up going to a party and on the way home Quin is driving drunk. He hits what he thinks is a deer but it is really a person. I can relate to Quin because of an accident that happened with my brother who was intoxicated.
I like this book because it teaches you valuable life lessons. Driving under the influence can really mess up a person’s life. My favorite part of the book was when Laurie told her best friend Judie about the accident. I like it because it shows that people cannot always keep secrets. The least favorite part of the book was when Laurie found out they didn’t hit a deer, it was really a person. I personally would not change anything about this book, it was a very good book to read.
I would really recommend this book to everyone that enjoys suspense and drama. It really catches a person’s attention and makes people realize how important it is to be careful to the choices you make in life.

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