Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 5, 2014
By Anonymous

My Mockingjay Book Review
    Fire is catching in Panem. In Mockingjay, Katniss becomes the head of the rebellion towards the capitol. Many heroes lives are ended, while others get hijacked. Eventually, all of Panem has changed like crazy. It was both full of action which grabs and keeps your attention. I believe that the book overall, was well written. It had elaborate scenes which was full of different types of emotions. It did have parts that I pictured differently and was bummed about it. Other action scenes were very on point and exceeded my expectations. To be honest, I say that both, the movie and novel were very satisfying.
    What I had pictured in my head in the book compared to what I saw on the movie were total opposites. I never imagined Pollux or Boggs would look how they did. The novel describes the events thoroughly. While the movie shows the events that are “important,” there are scenes that are left out. For example how Katniss got the Mockingjay pin. I think that the actors really killed it. The emotion that went into it was very strong and powerful. How Katniss cries is emotional and she puts feeling into it. It was as powerful as it was described in the book. One part that shocked me was when Peeta was shown in the bed strapped down. He looked like a psycho, it was a major shock and it was sad. How Peeta has changed so drastically was heartbreaking. The directors nailed it with displaying the hijacked Peeta. Josh Hutcherson (Peeta), really demonstrated his character very accurately.
In the end I think that the director could’ve made better choices on actors. One example would be Cressida. How she looks and how she was dressed did not look like she would be from either the capitol or districts. It was a weird look that I thought did not fit in. To me, President Coin looked young, except her gray hair threw it off. The book was divided into 3 parts. Where the director decided to cut the movie, was thee most terrible place to stop. It was when Peeta was strapped down to the bed trying to break free. For me, I would make the book into one big movie. Without leaving major parts out. I would not mind watching a 6 hour movie, because you get to watch the book come alive at one time. It would obviously take more time for the movie to come out, but it would be worth it to me.
To the readers out there, you should definitely watch and read Mockingjay. It does take time, but in the end it is worth your time and money. If you are the type of person who is interested in the previous Hunger Games movies, you must see it. This movie is where all of Panem changes because of Katniss. The characters are brilliantly made and the story really held onto my attention. You would never think certain events happen throughout the movie and that is what makes it so fascinating. It was entertaining on so many levels. After all it is your opinion in the end. In conclusion, take the time to get engaged with the novel and film, Mockingjay.

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