of mice and men by john steinbeck | Teen Ink

of mice and men by john steinbeck

December 4, 2014
By joshua mayville BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
joshua mayville BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
The novel Of Mice and Men, first published in 1937 tells a story of two men fighting with societal norms.  George is an ordinary working man while his friend Lennie battles a mental disability.  George and Lennie set out to make a stake for themselves so they can eventually buy a house and live off the land.
In the novel, two men who are traveling companions begin working on a farm picking barley.  George and Lennie attempt to work enough to make money to buy a home and live alone, but they eventually run into problems due to Lennie’s disability.  Lennie attempts to control his disability; however, it takes over him and he ends up killing a woman.  My favorite character was George because he provided the novel with a sense of danger and control.
The book was filled with the characters emotions such as anger and fear and personally I have felt these same emotions; additionally, I do not feel that I can relate to any characters in the book.
I felt that the book was tremendously written and I would read the book again.  My favorite part of the book was when the men began working at the farm and they began meeting the men.  My least favorite part was when curley one of the men’s co-workers attacked Lennie.  There is no part that I would change in this book.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes suspense filled novels and one filled with violence.  If a person who does not like reading or seeing violence this is not the book for that person.  

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