Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen | Teen Ink

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

December 4, 2014
By kyukyu BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
kyukyu BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Book Review
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen was first published in 1813. Elizabeth who is independent, determined, filled with hubris, intelligence, sensible, and well manners doesn’t believe in the true meaning of love. Elizabeth is a typical young woman that focuses on the importance of her life. Elizabeth is the second oldest out of her four sisters. As for her, she believes that no man deserves her, nor they impress her.
Elizabeth cannot agree against her heart when it comes to Darcy, but she is convinced that he is not the one for her. Although Darcy is wealthy, intelligent, and honest, she is prejudice of Darcy. Because Darcy pride is excessed it causes him to views down to his social inferiors.
While Elizabeth was at the ball; Wickham informed Elizabeth that Darcy is an abominable man. By Wickham’s words and persuasion; she disdained Darcy. Although, Darcy is attainable, assiduous, and generous; Elizabeth saw him as opposite point of view. When Wickham runs off with Lydia, Elizabeth youngest sister, Elizabeth worries and her anguish increases. She needed help, so she inquired Mr. Bingley for assistance.  Mr. Bingley didn’t know what to do; on the other hand, he turned to his best friend Darcy to advocate.
With Darcy’s aid, the situation was settle and solved. As Elizabeth thanked Mr. Bingley; he give full credit to Darcy. Mr. Bingley explained to Elizabeth that Darcy is a helpful and generous man without a doubt. With all these explanations Elizabeth felt ashamed of her action.
As Elizabeth retreats her heart for Darcy, she admired Darcy; additionally, Darcy acclaimed and adulated Elizabeth with all his heart. Also, with her strong character, she received the most perfect and an excellent man that she desired for.
Pride and Prejudice is a book that cannot be forgotten after you read it. I can relate to Elizabeth as being a woman who is independent and determined in finding the true meaning of love and the right person to be with you in your life. As for every women, we hope for the right man to be in our life and to cherish us. Elizabeth was ashamed of disdaining the right man that devoted her heart; therefore, it is possible for anyone to go through situation like this. This book is perfect for anyone that loves to read romance; however, anyone who reads this book will analogous Jane Austen, the book, and his work. Jane surely worked hard on the novel to develop the story.     

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