Hard Times by Charles Dickens | Teen Ink

Hard Times by Charles Dickens

December 4, 2014
By Kevin Lopez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Kevin Lopez BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At the beginning of Hard Times, the main characters in the novel are Mr. Bounderby, Louisa Gradgrind, Stephen Blackpool, and Thomas Gradgrind. Mr. Bounderby is a rich man that wants to marry Louisa Gradgrind that turns to be a loveless marriage. Mr. Bounderby is the man that owns a bank; which latter on the novel Thomas robs. But Stephen is wrongly accused of robbing Mr. Bounderby’s bank. The title of the novel really does fit what the characters are facing in the story.
In the novel I am like Mr. Sleary; however, I won’t own a circus. Mr. Sleary helped Sissy and Thomas when they needed help. Such as what Sissy comment about Mr. Sleary “I have very little money, and I don’t know who will hid me! I thought of father’s old circus” (pg.266).I am a kind person that likes to help when someone is in need.
What I liked about the book is that you are like a bird watching from above. So you know what is happening in the story. One thing that I would like to change in the book is when Thomas robbed the bank. The reason why I would like to change is that Stephen was wrongly accused of robbing the bank even though it was Thomas.
I would like to recommend this novel to others. This novel was written by the greatest author of his time. Charles Dickens can really make you feel that there can be worst situations in the world then you can even think of. Even if Hard Times is a short novel then what he would write, it is still worth reading for.


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