Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegurt Jr | Teen Ink

Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegurt Jr

December 3, 2014
By Anonymous

Slaughterhouse five by Kurt vonnegurt Jr

By Cindy D.

   Billy Pilgrim is born in 1922 and lived in Ilium New York. He went to school at Ilium school of optometery and was drafted for World War II. During the war Billy was sent to a camp in Germany and suffers a breakdown. He was shot with morphine and it took him back in time during the war period.During the time traveling he went back to school, got married, and had a daughter.

    At one point in your lifetime, you have been bullied or had bullied someone else because they were different from you. In the novel, the soldiers made fun of Billy and didn't let him sleep with them. Billy didnt know they were making fun of him, he thought there was no room for him to sleep so he slept standing up.

     I thought the book was great. I recommend readers who like to read classic or war and history book read this.This book talks about the Bombing in Dresden, Battle of the Bulge, Vietnam War and many more. This book has many references and things kids might not understand so i recommend readers 10 and up to read this book

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