Divergent series by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent series by Veronica Roth

December 3, 2014
By sophia pitt BRONZE, 10848 NE 108th ST, Washington
sophia pitt BRONZE, 10848 NE 108th ST, Washington
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The Divergent series is a dystopian books series that is set in a world that is trying to be perfect. In this world people are separated into factions. There are 5 factions: candor, they value honesty, erudite, they value knowledge, abnegation, values everybody's needs,dauntless who are brave and fearless, and amity are selfless people who grow the food and give it to the city. To get into a faction you take a test when you're sixteen. The test results show what faction you belong in. If you do not belong in a faction you are homeless and abnegation provides you with food.
The first book in the series is called, Divergent. This is when you meet the main character Beatrice Prior, also known as Tris, and her friend Four, also known as Tobias Eaton. When Tris goes and takes her test, the test results are inconclusive. She received three factions when you're only supposed to get one. Her tests results were abnegation, dauntless, and erudite. Getting more than one faction on the test makes you divergent. Being divergent is extremely dangerous because you cannot be controlled. If anybody finds out that you are divergent you will be killed. In divergent abnegation is government, while erudite thinks that they should be the government. Erudite then starts a war with abnegation
Divergent was my favorite book out of the series. I think that Divergent will catch your attention within the first paragraph of the book.  One reason why I like Divergent is because from the beginning of the book the adventure starts.  A lot of books start out slow, but Divergent doesn't. Divergent is a thrilling book that I am sure will interest you.
The second book in the series is called, Insurgent. In the book Tris, Four (Tris's boyfriend), Peter, Caleb, and Marcus must hide from erudite and dauntless, so they head to amity. Amity is being used as a safe house. When they are in amity they have to give all their weapons up. They knew that they weren't going to be able to stay there long. After four days they have to leave because erudite found them. They go back into the city. When they are in the city they go back to the dauntless compound. Since erudite has cameras in the dauntless compound  they paint over the cameras for except one camera they accidentally mis.   This is how erudite continues to “spy” on them.  Jeanine (erudite leader) ends up killing one of Tris's best friends and she leaves a message for them saying, “If one divergent doesn't come to erudite they will keep on killing these people.” As you can guess it, they go to war with erudite.
Insurgent is a great book and I suggest you read it. Insurgent starts of with adventure and thrill and leaves two hours off of Divergent. I read Insurgent in four days because I thought it was very interesting. Insurgent is definitely one of my favorite books. It is interesting and exciting. I would definitely read this book again.
In the third book, Allegiant, Tris, Four and Caleb go outside of the gates!  When they go outside the gates they find who really controls the city. They find an airport and this is where most of the book takes place. Through out the book you find out a bunch of secrets from the previous two books, the truth comes to light. Through out a series of events Tris ends up doing something unexpected and making a sacrifice for everybody she loves.
Out of the Divergent series this is my least favorite book. This book did not interest me as much of the other books.  During the middle of the book Tris and Four are fighting, its not until the three quarters of the way in that something happens. This book is still interesting. If you are going to read the whole series I recommend that you read this book.

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