Forged By Fire | Teen Ink

Forged By Fire

November 21, 2014
By PabloB BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
PabloB BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      If you had a small and fragile step sister and your step father abused you and your sister, WOULD YOU have the guts to try and save you and your sister? Also what would you think about your mother who would be too scared to do anything about what’s happening to you and your sister?

      Gerald, a three year old, lives with his mother who smokes, drinks and does drugs. One day when his mom leaves him alone to go get drugs for her addiction, but while Gerald stuck home all alone, while Gerald plays with a lighter that his mom left in plain sit. While Gerald’s curiosity gets the best of him and starts a fire in the middle of his apartment. After the fire department stops the fire Gerald finds himself in a hospital, after that he lives with his aunt while his moms in JALE for doing drugs. After years of living with his aunt his mom comes back with a step-dad and a step-daughter. But Gerald wants nothing to do with his mom or the new family, but he takes a liking to his new sister Angle and try’s to protect her on matter the cost! Even if it means going through his childhood fears all over a gene.

      I think that Sharon Draper did more than achieve her purpose I know that she blew my mind with her book Forged By Fire. I believe that Sharon Draper’s writs a very powerful text, and makes the reader feel like they’re about to cry. At the end of the book Sharon Draper put the phone numbers for the National Child Abuse Hotline and the National Domestic Violence Hotline. After I finished the book, I felt vary moved and wanted t speak up for myself and help all of my friends. I would recommend this book for 5th graders and up. I think that this age group would be appropriate because that was what I started to read at that level of mind.

      All together I think that the book was phenomenal and I think that you should read the book. I think that the book made a life changing decisions and helped me make right decisions for life.

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