Touching Spirit Bear | Teen Ink

Touching Spirit Bear

November 19, 2014
By JayBirdy BRONZE, Coalinga, California
JayBirdy BRONZE, Coalinga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelson.The book Genre is Drama
The book takes place on a island off the coast.The book is about cole Matthews and how he learns to control his anger.The characters are Cole, Edwin, Garvey, Peter, Mr & Mrs Driscal

In this book Cole Matthews a fifteen year old boy has been introuble with the law for years one of his biggest crime was assaulting Peter Driscal.The assault was so violent that he was sent to juvenile hall and has a choice prison or circle justice but in the first few days he is mauled by a white bear and nearly dies.

I think the theme is about controling your feelings and learning how to deal with them by facing them.

The author's comments:

This book was great overall.I can relate to this in a way.Because I've felt anger.But I've learned to overcome that and choose to be happy.I believe in myself and started to believe in god.

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