A Seperate Peace by John Knowles | Teen Ink

A Seperate Peace by John Knowles

November 26, 2014
By Anonymous

John Knowles, author of A Separate Peace—his first novel published in 1960— introduces a boy named Gene Forrester. Gene is an average boy, excelling in classes and was considered normal; Phineas—or Finny—was an athletic boy who was free willed and spirited, and he was very slick with his words. Both boys were introduced together during their summer school at Devon. As they were first roommates, they slowly became best of friends.
The setting was placed in 1940s during World War II. Gene was to enlist in the war within two years due to his age. The pressure of the war on the boys was coming and Finny wanted to enjoy his freedom while he had it. Throughout the story, Finny played many games with his group of friends—including Gene—and broke many rules of Devon. The setting help move along the plot of story and some of the characters actions.
The reader is able to make many connections with the characters, specifically Gene. John Knowles writes from Gene’s point of view because he wanted to show the perspective of his life. Gene struggled with his friendship with Finny, so a rivalry grew between them in his perspective; but, Gene was extremely attached to Finny, unable to deny his insane ideas. During events, Gene must deal with the insanity of his friends and how they betray him.
I would definitely recommend this book to someone. A person who would love this book would be someone who loves a well detailed and thoroughly thought out book. The book also has its own flow that follows slowly in life and moves quickly at the same time. The reader could adore how the characters battle with their troubles and how they consider their actions, giving the reader the ability to connect with the main characters.

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