A child called it book review by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A child called it book review by Dave Pelzer

November 20, 2014
By babybubbles00 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
babybubbles00 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Child Called “It”/Dave Pelzer
1995 174 pages
Book Review
       Imagine having to wake up and go to school each and every morning with scars, bruises, bumps, and even filthy clothing that look extremely old. Would you be embarrassed? Of course. I know I would be very  scared and embarrassed to go the school and get up to go to school especially if I have people questioning me each and every single day and how am I doing and the nurse checking if you have anymore fresh wounds.
       The repulsive beat in David’s chest as he is coming home from school waiting to see what today will bring. He walks in the house mom has a face of rage just David and mom at home and she drags him into the kitchen. Then tries to make him get on the stove, so that way she can burn him. So, since she didn’t get the chance to burn him besides his arm. She gets one of his baby brothers soiled diapers and puts it on his face. I find that trying to burn your child or even do something so nasty toward your child is wrong. The reason I think so is because you are supposed to love your child unconditionally not try and hurt them at all.  
     Especially, being a mother and you trying to do something so horrible you have to be really like mentally unstable to be hurting your child like that its hurtful to the child or anyone to know a parent does that. Then when the nurse in the book has to go get the principal who knows him very well is very hurtful and embarrassing as well. Because he wasn’t just acting out for no apparent reason he had a reason for acting out it’s because all this crazy non-reasonable type things were going on in his violent life at home. The fact that his only safe place for him is away from home is sad.
       So, as I conclude I honestly think that if you are in a violent parent relationship like this one where your parents are burning you and all that crazy non-sense then you need to tell someone because that is extremely bad.  I think this book was very upsetting because you rarely read books like this (at lease I rarely do) that your reading about a child who suffers every single day from child abuse by his mother and his father can’t do anything about it so I think this child needs his mother removed from him for a while and just live with his father for now. At lease until she gets herself together. 

The author's comments:

this review on the book is kinda bad but i think its pretty great! (:

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