Struck By Lightning by Chris Colfer | Teen Ink

Struck By Lightning by Chris Colfer

November 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Struck By Lightning/ Chris Colfer
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, 2013, 272 pages

Carson Phillips the boy that wants to live his dreams, but the only way he could is by blackmailing the “popular kids.” Everything goes as he wants until one mistake changes everything. 
Written by “The Carson Philips journal” in first person, Carson Phillips is a senior at Clover High School. With his achievements in mind ready to get out of town and become a publisher for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Boston Globe. Carson lives with a “depressed single mother” that tends to pass out every morning. With an alcoholic mother, no father, and his grandmother that’s not able to remember him at all, the only thing Carson really has is himself. Carson only has one actual friend “Malerie” that stays by his side all the way. It all basically starts when Carson’s counselor, Ms. Sharpton talks to him about what career he would want.  Carson had everything in mind since the age of three, “I know what exact career I want, I interrupted…  I want to be the editor for the New York Times and the freelance journalist to be published in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Boston Globe.” Ms. Sharpton then tells Carson that he needs to write a story to submit. Carson gets writing and figures out that counselor then says to write a literary magazine. Carson starts figuring out secret about the “popular kids.” Carson starts blackmailing them to get them to write a story about anything they want. But everything ends up into a disaster.
I think the author of this book did achieve his purpose by showing how everything happened all the details fell in the write place.  I found the writing really amazing; he used lots of dialogue with every “popular kids and teacher” on how everything showed be like going from magazine and prom themes.  My overall response of this book would be that I really enjoyed it; it was really funny and had a lot of drama going on with the other. I wouldn’t recommend this book to younger kids, because the book has lots of comprehension you have to understand and some cussing in it, but l recommend it to people who have good compression, they like drama books and comedy. I love this book, I found it really funny. I want to read more books like this.

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