A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer | Teen Ink

A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer

November 20, 2014
By Amnistea BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Amnistea BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Child Called It/ Dave Pelzer
HCI: Reissue Edition, 1995, 185

I read a book about child abuse for the first time and it as very interesting and found it to be very interesting.

Dave Pelzer, is a young boy who is beaten by his mother that’s stressing because Dave’s father doesn’t want to be with her. Dave sleeps in the basement on an old army cot with no blanket, he doesn’t eat unless its trash or left overs the dogs won’t eat… In this book you find out that Dave’s life wasn’t so easy and he had to find a way to survive in that horrible house.

‘’A Child Called It” was a wonderful and powerful book and it will get you hooked on to the book like I was. When you read this book you will ball your eyes out because of the mistreatment she has done to him. I don’t understand how any mother can treat their son like he or she is some toy. I thought moms were supposed to love you, care for you, and protect you from all the things I the world but instead she is beating him and locking him in the bath room with chemicals, making him sleep in the basement all cold and alone, and starving him. I would also like to state that ages 12+ should read this book.

My overall thoughts about this book are that I loved it that’s why I chose to write a book review on it. I recommend this book for you because it very touching and you will learn that by reading his book everybody life wasn’t so easy.



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